We are first generation farmers and ranchers, local to Carroll and White County, here in Indiana. We are raising our cattle in Monticello, along with our three wild, little cowboys. Our passion for farming has grown throughout the years to what it is today from our love of health and our desire to raise our boys to know where their food comes from and how to differentiate quality foods over what you’d find in a typical grocery store.

This lifestyle is not meant for the faint of heart; however, we consistently choose the hard-working, sweaty, and sometimes dirty days over any other option available. Our passion for what we do is unwavering, and we genuinely believe that God has guided our family to this moment—serving you and your families with one of the most nutrient-rich sources you can find on this earth.

Our bodies deserve the most nutritious foods on earth. When it comes to health, this is exactly what needs to change first. Our society is sicker than ever with all of the modern conveniences and chemicals that we put into our bodies. Let’s slow down and remember what God has provided in the natural world. Food is medicine and nature heals.

Shop Local, Shop Small.

Why? Because we raise and butcher our meat in the most natural and humane way possible. Because we care about our product, your health and the future of farming.